Monday, February 28, 2011

Tales of love

I am often amazed
at the tales of love
where eyes dream,
heart desires and the
greens sing a song
of the beloved

Caught between the
sighs of the moon
cuddled emotions
flare up memories
and slowly, with open
arms, those stories
 embrace one
which waits its turn
to be etched in shifting
sands of remembrance

who said love will bless
you, believe in love
for love needs patience

and yet looking
at those eyes with half
moons peeping out under
the shadow of clouds
I know that love is a
struggle against memory


  1. love is a struggle against memory...

  2. lovely...'I know that love is a/
    struggle against memory' this is interesting and well said...

  3. hey... lovely poesy... its really nice the way 'tis broken up...

  4. But those memories cuddle you sometimes and tells you that they are there for a reason....

  5. in a time when one is forced to give up the so called primitive notions associated with love..this poem tends to bring back some of our lost faith.. Really beautiful poem!
